Project Bierce and One Hundred Posts

Greetings SCOV Law Reader(s):

This post marks an exciting milestone for us.  In less than six months, we have hit 100 posts!  Thanks to all of you who have read the blog and offered us feedback.  To date, we have reviewed and summarized every Vermont Supreme Court decision since July 1, 2010.  Not too shabby!

We are still improving things here at SCOV Law, and we welcome your feedback or input as to how we can make the blog better.

As part of our ongoing work, we have created Project Bierce, a page of definitions that aims to be pithy, witty, and informative.  Hopefully, we have managed at least one out of those three for each entry.  Please check it out, and let us know what is missing.

---the Staff of SCOV Law


  1. Re: Definitions of Criminal and Family Divisions

    I've always heard that the district court is where bad people show their best side while family court is where good people show their worst side.

  2. That is great. I will add that to the page. Thanks!


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